MLSS 2020, Tuebingen, virtual

Image by MLSS Tuebingen

I had the opportunity to attend the MLSS 2020. I got a lot of interesting insights into the different fields of Machine Learning such as Causality, Fairness, Reinforcement Learning and many more. Most of the lectures hold during the summer school are available at YouTube. For further information, just visit the website.

Nils Rottmann
Team Lead for Robotics & Autonomous Systems

With September 2021, Nils Rottmann started as a Software Developer/Product Owner at the Hako GmbH. He studied Theoretical Mechanical Engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology, Germany and holds a PhD in Robotics from the University of Luebeck, Germany, In his PhD with the title “Smart Sensor, Navigation and Learning Strategies for low-cost lawn care Systems”, he developed low-cost sensor systems and investigated probabilistic learning and modeling approaches. Currenlty, he works as a Team Lead for the robotic section at the Hako GmbH.